Thursday, July 7, 2011

Places to Visit in Pokhara

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Phewa Lake. One of the Nepal's most beautiful spots of pokhara city, Phewa Tal or Fewa Tal is surrounded by a combination of monkey-filled forests and the high white peaks. Fewa lake is 1.5 kilometer long and second largest lake in Nepal. Most of the tour operators, trekking operators and hotels of Pokhara Nepal are located on the lakeside. Mandy hotels of pokhara have traditional layout which attracted the internal as well as the foreign tourists. The reflections in the mirror-like water in the early mornings are something you must see at least once before you die. You may Hire a boat and row yourself across the lake (or hire a local to do it for you - there are some fine and funny times to be had on this lake, even in the middle of the night!).

Annapurna Range Skyline
The most spectacular sight in Pokhara is the sight of Annapurna range Everyone in Pokhara wakes up early to greet the mountains during sunrise. The reflection of sunlight from a mountain is always a breathtaking site.

Begnas and Rupa Lake
The name Pokhara is derived from the word Pokhari, which in Nepali means pond or a lake. There are about eight different lakes in Pokhara and besides the the fewa lake, the other two lakes known as Begnas Lake and Rupa lake located about 15 km from Pokhara are ideal places for relaxation, boating and fishing. Begnas Tal is quiet, clean and peaceful Get to Begnas by bus, or by a taxi, or cycle from Pokhara. Visit Begnas Bazaar for a unique hillside market experience. There are a few basic hotels to stay in and the odd refreshment shop. The walk along the road leading to Begnas Tal is fascinating, the seasonal rhythms of daily life in the country make great images.

Seti Gandaki/George
Another important tourist destinations of pokhara isSeti Gandaki and Seti Gorge. The Seti gandaki flows right through the city, it runs completely underground at many places. There is a local myth that the entire land of Pokhara floats on the Seti river. Rivers in Nepal are known for their strength and the purity as entire source is from the Himalayan range.

Mahendra Cave (Gufa or Gupha in Nepali)
Mahendra Cave resides in Batulechaur. Its a 10 minute drive from chipledhunga the central market place of the Pokhara city. Mahendra cave has been named as per the Late King Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev. This is also one of the most demanding tourist attraction center here in pokhara. It resides in the northern settlements of the valley.

This cave is a natural tunnel which is provided with artificial lighting systems. Bulbs are used by the cave incharge so that the visitors can visit it without any difficulty. But do take a torch light with you just in case the electricity goes off.

Mahendra cave is rich for its rock types and different stones that glitters when a beam of light is striked in it. This natural formation is to see not to strike with sharp digging objects.

Devi's Falls (Patale Chhango) :
Pokhara is the only city in Nepal which is famous for water falls. As we drive by the river sides below the hills we can see several beautiful and dashing water falls flowing downhill and finally flowing to the rivers. The highway to Baglung consist of several water falls. The city itself has a Witness a unique waterfall that lies 2 Km from central Pokhara City. The water fall directly goes into a deep and narrow canal with no ends. It is believed that this deadly waterfall took the life of a tourist named David, who fell down into the canel and was never found, and hence the name David waterfall, named in his memory by the people of Pokhara. This place has many nick names like Davy's Fall, David's Fall or Davis's Fall, all mean the same thing `The Davis Water Fall' Davis Fall Picture 1 (Web Link)

World Peace Stupa. Recently built atop a hill overlooking Phewa Tal, the Stupa offers a great place to see the sun set over Pokhara. It can be accessed by hiring a boat and rowing across the lake and climbing a sometimes leech-infested track, or by foot from the road that passes Devi Falls.

Sarangkot. The perfect pre-trek warm-up. Head up Sarankot in the late afternoon (be prepared, it's steep and hard work) find yourselves a warm guest house before sunset, go up the top for sunset and again for sunrise... you won't be disappointed. Great views, spectacular images and a great way to get a taste of what it's like to be trekking. Beware demented water buffaloes on the way out of town!

Other places to visit in Pokhara are Barahi temple, situated in the middle of Phewa lake, Pokhara Museum, Annapurna Museum, Bindhyabasini temple, and World Peace Pagoda.

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