Monday, August 1, 2011

Mount Everest ( Highest Peak of the World )

Mount Everest or Sagarmatha is the highest peak in the world with height equal to 8848 meters. Located in Solukhumbu District of Eastern Nepal , it is still the top destination to all the mountaineers allover the world. It lies 86ยบ55'40' E longitude and latitude 270 45’ N and 280 0’ N.  The First Climbers were Tenzing Norgay from Nepal and  Sir Edmund Percival Hillary from New Zealand. They climbed the peak on 5/29/1953 via the South-East Ridge Route. The first woman to  conquer the peak was Junko Tabei from Japan. Everest ahs always been a challenging mountain to climb mostly due to its high altitude.

How to Reach Mount Everest Base Camp

  • From Kathmandu to Phaplu or Lukla or Syangboche by Plane
  • From Phaplu or Lukla or Syangboche  to Namche Bazar
  • From Namche to Base Camp

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